Friday 26 July 2013

Modern Times

This young lady looks like she is going to or coming from dance class.
Either way, at this moment she is waiting while her mother has her hair done.
I don't remember how our mother kept us quiet in similar situations.
Intimidation and veiled threats probably.

Today I'm travelling to Montreal and eventually to Toronto.
Both cities are notoriously humid this time of year.
I must be nuts.


s.c said...

Its a modern time capture indeed. Hope the kid will have enough movement in her life and not looking to much on a screen. Later she must do it long enough.

Stephanie said...

Have a great time in Montreal! My hometown. Cute photo!

Stefan Jansson said...

Nice moment in time photo.

CaT said...

i guess my mom did the same as yours. i think its better than the laptop and all....

Lynne with an e said...

Yup. Nuts. Especially when Vancouver's weather has never been more perfect!