Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Dead Cat

Wrong Side Of The Camera
I do my best not to get caught on the wrong side of the camera.
But once in a blue moon I slip up.
The fuzzy thing on the mike is called a 'dead cat' if anyone was wondering.


Andy said...

I hope the rest of the week turns out to be as much fun as yesterday's and today's postings. Keep on clicking Wayne.

s.c said...

Never heared that before. Thanks for the lesson.

Stefan Jansson said...

Didn't know about the dead cat.

Stephanie said...

Learn something new.

TheChieftess said...

Haha!!! Not only were you caught on camera...but there's sound??? I wonder what choice words got caught by the dead cat???

Wayne said...

Kathy, she wanted to interview me but it didn't happen. :-)

Thanks for the comments

Anonymous said...

Look what the dead cat dragged in.