Saturday, 9 February 2013

Famous Phone Box

Most Photographed Phone Box
This has got to be the most photographed phone box in town, or maybe Canada.
Every shot I've seen is better than this one.
I'd check to see if it actually works but I'm afraid to touch it.


Revrunner said...

You mean it still works?!

s.c said...

It looks a bit in working order but what do I know. Great shot by the way.

Andy said...

This is soooooo funny!

Stefan Jansson said...

Your photo is perfect.

Stephanie said...

Nice capture and unusual sight, very rarely see a pay phone these days.

Chrissy Brand said...

Looks almost like a cartoon-why so famous?

Wayne said...

It's only famous because it is photographed so much Chrissy. Whoever painted the mural on the wall painted the phone box too. And, it's a pay phone, they're getting to be rare here.

hamilton said...

The phone company doesn't seem to be much bothered, does it?

Bob Crowe said...

I think you did it justice. Now order a pizza and find out for sure.

Lynne with an e said...

That's why you should always carry prophylactics with you.

TheChieftess said...

And maybe a scrub brush, pine sol, and....

Virginia said...

I love this!!