Friday 8 February 2013

A Classic

2400 Court
The future of 2400 Court has been in doubt for a long time.
It's a cute cottage style motel on Kingsway and the last surviving example I can think of.
I'm all for keeping it but I'm not optimistic.
It's owned by the City which doesn't necessarily ensure it's survival.

I accidentally, and briefly, posted this pic a month ago. I was sleepy.


Kate said...

It's probably going to go the way of most the the '50's motels; poof! Progress rides again.

Stephanie said...

Is this the one on Main Street?

TheChieftess said...

May your City recognize the historical significance...and rennovate!!!! (I'm not going to hold my breath though...)

Wayne said...

Stephanie, the 2400 Motel is on Kingsway just east of Nanaimo St.

hamilton said...

If the city can make more money by getting of a motel, it will. The sign looks to be in good shape.

Stephanie said...

Yeah, just read your post. I was just looking at your photo yesterday, I know this sign, we have driven by it a few times when I lived in Vancouver. "I will count this a a senior moment".

Virginia said...

Love the color and the graphics