Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Walking Stick

The likes of me feels overly conspicuous in Neiman Marcus.
In fact, until a few days ago I'd never set foot inside the store. 
I didn't buy anything nor was I escorted off the premises so it worked out OK.
If I ever need a walking stick I'm getting this one.


Andy said...

A walking stick with a smile. If I am inside a store I ask for permission to take photographs. It seems to work better than stealth photos.

CaT said...


hamilton said...

Good choice.

Stefan Jansson said...

Very cool.

Wayne said...

To clear up any confusion I wasn't suggesting that I'd be asked to leave the store for taking pictures. NM is a very fancy department store and I'm not a very fancy guy. Everyone in the world has a camera in their phone, taking pictures in a store is the least of my worries and I wasn't being stealthy about this. My camera was in plain sight for all to see.

Virginia said...

And a fab shot it is. Great DOF , W. And you're right, it's so YOU!

Virginia said...

And I'm glad you chose NM to shop for my CHristmas present. Good choice.

Chrissy Brand said...

Scary stick but cool photo-

TheChieftess said...

Understated is the new fancy...

RedPat said...

It looks evil to me!! ;-)

Hilda said...

Me too! Cool!