Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Bakery Run

I'm still slacking off since I've been home.
But last night I dragged myself out to my neighbourhood 24 hour German Bakery for a treat.
This is a shot I grabbed on the way.
One nice thing about the D600 is that it produces decent images even at high ISO.


Andy said...
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Andy said...

You are off to a good start escaping from your slackness.

s.c said...

Nice shot and I like the way you still see the mountains in the back and the light from the headlights mirrored in the asphalt.

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Nice action shot!

Stephanie said...

Nice to see the mountains again in Vancouver. And great action shot as well.

Virginia said...

I can't get over the mountains in the background. WOW

TheChieftess said...

I can relate to a need for slacking off... In my case I was just plain sick!

Wayne said...

Thanks for all the comments.

Kathy, by all rights I should have caught something while I was away. But I didn't and I'm not complaining. :-)

Gunn said...

We don`t have a German bakery here in Stavanger, but I would have had difficulties to walk past one without going in..... I have been to a couple on the Canary Islands. Yummy stuff they had there.

I like you street life image with the long shadows.