Sunday 23 December 2012

The Bradbury

Sunday Feature - Another Place, Another Time

For a handful of reasons The Bradbury Building is one of my favourites.
Once upon a time I was a card carrying member of the L.A. Conservancy.
At an AGM held there we were given the run of the common areas of the building.
I was using film and didn't have a tripod as the results clearly show.
Back then I was even dumber than I am now.
Hardly seems possible, I know.

Broadway and 3rd, downtown Los Angeles


s.c said...

It looks beautiful with all that old cast iron . Did you make some more pictures?

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

I can see why it's one of your favorites.

TheChieftess said...

I love the Bradbury Building! My mom took me there when I was a kid when giving an LA tour to our visiting Swiss relatives...and I've loved it ever since!!! So gorgeous!!!

Come back down south sometime to see it Wayne!!!

Wayne said...

s.c. I probably took other shots but they wouldn't be any better than this one. :-) You'll likely find better shots online.

Kathy, one of these days.

Thanks for the comments.