Wednesday 12 September 2012

Top Down

Top Down
I think I noticed the hat before I noticed the car.

1964 Pontiac Pariesienne 


Barbara/myth maker said...

Classic catch!

Andy said...

I surprised that the hat stays on.

TheChieftess said...

I noticed the hat first too!!!

Paul in Powell River said...

Both are a bit flashy!

Bob Crowe said...

I can't read the small print on the license plate but the car looks straight outta Texas. Could have been Alberta, maybe, but you could only drive it there about three months a year.

Wayne said...

Bob, I think it's a 'Collector' plate. Cars over a certain age, and it's not really old, can get cheaper insurance as long as they aren't used as daily drivers. I don't know all the rules but it's a bargain if your car qualifies.

Wayne said...

p.s. you're right, in Alberta you'd be able to drive with the top down for about 5 weeks. :-)