Friday, 10 August 2012

Bike Rack

Who says Vancouver doesn't have a sense of humour?

E. Hastings near Hawks St.


s.c said...

Is it a written off parking meter ?

CaT said...

haha... first i thought it was a streetlight! do you have to pay... ?

Paul in Powell River said...

I like it!!

Wayne said...

CaT, you don't have to pay. Someone had a cute idea.

s.c. it is an ex-parking meter but it doesn't look like the type used in Vancouver.

Virginia said...

Oh i thought someone hit it with a car or something. I guess I just didn't know what to think. Very cute idea. My bike on my blog today would fit nicely...rouge et rouge.

Nellies said...

Yes, that's humor. I like it, haha.
Have a wonderful weekend, Wayne.

hamilton said...

excellent reuse!

Andy said...

Vancouver is funnier than I thought.

RedPat said...

I love it!!