Tuesday, 17 July 2012


Clump of Tourists
I'm unsure of the correct term.
Do we call this a cluster, clump or clot of tourists?
How about a 'dawdle' of tourists?

at the Gastown Steam Clock


Kate said...

Whatever the label, the photo amuses me. One of my daughter's friends told me she identifies American tourist while abroad because of their white sneakers...pretty accurate here, too.

Nellies said...

Whatever the right word is, I think it's a hilarious photo Wayne, made me laugh out loud. Very well captured.
Have a great day.

CaT said...

hahahah, i like this one.
dawdle? never heard of that word!

CaT said...

and yes, white ugly shoes = american (usually) hahahaha.

Taken For Granted said...

A "dawdle" of tourists is the perfect term, much better than a gaggle, flock, herd, murder, school, or swarm.

RedPat said...

Great shot!

TheChieftess said...

Yep! Definitely a dawdle!!! Love this shot!!! Did they know you were taking it???

Wayne said...

Kathy, nope, they were intent on photographing the steam clock.

Thanks for the comments.

alex said...


Lynne with an e said...

I believe the common term is a middle-aged spread of tourists.

I knew immediately, without reading the label, exactly what they were doing.

Virginia said...
