Wednesday, 18 July 2012


Orpheum (Dark)
Over the years I've been inside the Orpheum on numerous occasions.
I've only been inside twice when the theatre was dark.
Yesterday I joined the BC Entertainment Hall of Fame tour.
Decent photos without a tripod are difficult to impossible.


Nellies said...

Beautiful Wayne. The lights seem to have a little twinkle, the colors are very nice too.

Paul in Powell River said...

I like it! I've been there numerous times also, but have never quite made it to the stage for a photo.

RedPat said...


Taken For Granted said...

But you managed a great photo. You must have had a tripod.

Wayne said...

I rested the camera on a chair or such, I was resting it on anything that looked solid. :-)

CaT said...

wellm this is very decent to me!

Virginia said...

Perfect in my book!

TheChieftess said...

Well you nailed this one Wayne!!!