Friday, 1 June 2012

Middle Of The Road

In a perfect world I'd provide more answers than questions on this blog.
But I have no idea why this sidewalk runs down the middle of Pacific Blvd.
There have been rumblings about a streetcar line running here but I don't know if there's a connection.


Andy said...

Nice infinity shot. Maybe the work crew read the blueprints wrong?

Paul in Powell River said...

Makes for a nice pic with the towers in the back!

Taken For Granted said...

Urban streetcars are wonderful, but from the looks of the new sidewalk and trees, I would not hold my breath waiting. Fine perspective.

Unknown said...


My eyes are getting cross-eyed trying to count those saplings.

and why are there more on the Right side ?

Riding the Wet Coast
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alex said...

interesting shot. like we are looking down a tunnel, but in the open air.

TheChieftess said...

A streetcar makes sense... I like the perspective!!!