Tuesday 22 May 2012

Nash Metropolitan

Nash Metropolitan
I suppose it qualifies as a bit of trivia that they were made in England.

All British Field Meet
Van Dusen Botanical Gardens


s.c said...

Thats what you call a creamy car. Thanks for showing.

Stefan Jansson said...

That is a car you don't see every day. I have spotted two in five year I think.

Virginia said...

I haven't heard the word Nash in decades. Brings back memories!

Paul in Powell River said...

A great looking vehicle - always liked the look.

RedPat said...

A friend had one of these a while ago - he is a big guy and loved tooting around in that little car - it was quite funny! Great car.

TheChieftess said...


How can you not start singing this song in your head with this classic beauty???

Chrissy Brand said...

English but looks so American ;-)