Monday 21 May 2012

Laburnum Walk

The gardens are coming to life.

Van Dusen Botanical Gardens


Andy said...

The mild weather in my area has also made for an a early spring that is feeling like summer.

s.c said...

Beautiful is the word that comes in my mind.

Kate said...

This is a WOW" photo. The photo is alive with color.

Virginia said...

Another day in Paradise!

Barbara/myth maker said...

Oh, that is such a pretty picture!

Paul in Powell River said...

It's hard to beat a walk in a garden on a sunny day, with camera in hand. Well done.

Deb said...

Ah, Laburnum arches are stunning, I always seem to visit too late or too early. You got this one just right.

RedPat said...

Wow - heavenly - it feels like magic to me!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Stunning beauty, captured so we can all share it. Thank you. Would be wonderful to wander the path and have a closer look.

TheChieftess said...

What a beautiful spot to take an afternoon walk!!! With camera in hand no doubt!!!