Tuesday, 17 April 2012


This isn't a technique I'd usually spend time on.
A photo class assignment was to 'show motion'.
One method is to move a zoom lens in and/or out while the shutter is open.
So much for the psychadelic effect.

King Edward Station, Canada Line


Andy said...

I feel like I'm being beamed up by Scotty. Nice effect.

s.c said...

Looks nice but of course you have also a picture with only the train moving. I am curious to see them together.

Unknown said...


Isn't this one of your "normal" photos ?

Riding the Wet Coast
My Flickr // My YouTube

Wayne said...

Bob, my normal photos are blurry and out of focus by accident. This was deliberate. :-)

Andy, I've seen some effective use of the technique but it can get gimmicky pretty quick.

s.c. The train comes into the station quite slowly so I didn't have great luck with the moving trains.

TheChieftess said...

Well call me crazy...I LOVE this Wayne!!! Definitely shows movement...the composition and color is fabulous! That's one technique I never learned in my classes!!! I'll have to try it...thanks for sharing!!!

RedPat said...

I feel like I am being called to somewhere!

RedPat said...
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Deb said...

I know what you mean about gimmicky but every once in a while a shot like this is great. No one else will have a shot quite like it!

Lynne with an e said...

Is it wrong of me to like it?

Bob Crowe said...

Hey, but it's pretty cool. Warp 5, Mr. Scott!

Wayne said...

No Lynne, it's not wrong. But it's a little worrying. :-)

I'm so encouraged by al the comments that I've decided this is the only kind of shot I'm going to take from now on. :-)

TheChieftess said...

Ohhh nooo!!!! What have we done???

(I still like it!!!)

Chrissy Brand said...

Absolutely love the colours and feel of this one Wayne.

Virginia said...

Count me in too. I"ve never been able to do this. Wish you could show me.

Virginia said...

Count me in too. I"ve never been able to do this. Wish you could show me.

Wayne said...

V, I doubt most people could do it without a tripod. I couldn't.

CaT said...

ooh, interesting. i should try that sometime...