Wednesday, 11 April 2012

A New Shell

Gas Plaza
When the old Shell station was closed it was fine with me.
When I realized it was being modernized, not demolished, I formulated a plan.
I wanted to get some images of the brand new station.
What's surprising about this is, I actually did.
It had been open a few hours when I took this shot and all the others that didn't turn out as well.


Paul in Powell River said...

Well this one certainly turned out well! - I like it.

Andy said...

Wayne you are getting these night shots down pat. I clicked on your photo and looked at the other photos on your Flickr page. I see the gas is $1.439. I though it was high here at about $1.367.

Gunn said...

Shiny and new. Looks a bit like LEGO style.
I like your image.

Chrissy Brand said...

It looks so much more amazing than what it actually is with this wonderful night photo.

Anonymous said...

Futurized, sanitized, idealized -- great photo. Has a mid century modern vibe.

Unknown said...


looks too hygenic for a petrol station.

Riding the Wet Coast // My Flickr

RedPat said...

Wonderful shot Wayne!

CaT said...

funny title.
looks very clean and shiny. how long will that last? i expect another picture at the same spot in 6 months or so...

Anonymous said...

It surely gleams!

Bob Crowe said...

Love this. You are channeling Ed Ruscha:

Wayne said...

You're absolutely right Bob. This shot is influenced by images that have impressed me for years including Ruscha's.

Thanks to everyone for the positive comments.

TheChieftess said...

Nicely done Wayne!!! Very nouveau...very, very!!!

Nellies said...

I love this one Wayne, the red light against the black sky, really great! Interesting to know that a gas station can look good on photos!