Tuesday, 10 April 2012

False Creek Lights

From Science World West
Every once in a long while I drag myself out after dark.

North-east False Creek


Andy said...

Dragging yourself out was worth it.

s.c said...

Nice sphere on the left. Great looking parnorama. Thanks for showing.

Paul in Powell River said...

Good! - well worth showing the rest of us.

CaT said...

ooh, pretty. i like the sphere too. what is it?

the tart is really easy and very lemony indeed. i like that too... (the bf not too much, i found out after making it. too bad)

Wayne said...

The Globe is left over from Expo 86. It's been Science World for a long time and is currently undergoing a renovation and expansion. There was an IMAX theatre in there, I guess it's still there but I'm not certain.

Virginia said...

Yowza, now that's what I suspect is the next banner shot, right W?

Wayne said...

That's a good idea V. It never occurred to me.

RedPat said...

Wow - that is sooo gorgeous Wayne!

Wayne said...

Thanks Pat.

Thanks for all the comments.

Meghan said...

That shot was definitely worth getting out for! Nicely done!

Unknown said...


you were lucky to get a clear and windless night. Plus a long walk over the Georgia Viaduct

Riding the Wet Coast / My Flickr

Bob Crowe said...

It was worth it. That sphere on the left looks like an iridescent jellyfish floating in darkness.

alex said...

wow. very appropriate new title image.

TheChieftess said...

Another Wow!!! Glad you took V's advice and made it your banner!!! Fabulous shot!!!

lewi14@gmail.com said...


Nellies said...

Your captions crack me up Wayne, great photo too :-)