Thursday, 2 February 2012

Minimal Meandering

Winter Tree
This is the tree across from my apartment.
I can see it from my recliner but I actually went out on the balcony for this shot.


s.c said...

Its for shure a beautiful color.

CaT said...

nice colors. just before sunset?

Barbara/myth maker said...

I love the coloring in this photograph. Great tree. Thanks for the balcony shot ;-)

Mo said...

Lovely colours

Wayne said...

Thanks for the comments.

Yes CaT, it was late in the afternoon with the sun setting.

Nellies said...

I like your photo, but I love your caption.

RedPat said...

An interesting theme to do - "from my window"!

TheChieftess said...

Fabulous lighting Wayne!!! Is this a recent photo? Since taking your class??? Getting pretty darned artistic!!!

Deb said...

A very handsome tree and great light against the moody sky.

Wayne said...

Kathy, no, this was taken in on Dec. 24. Back when I knew less than nothing.

TheChieftess said...

Well Wayne...In this case...ignorance is bliss!!! It's fabulous!!! said...

hallo am adam

Babzy.B said...

Beautiful ! :)