Sunday, 12 February 2012

Illuminate Yaletown ...

… is an event organized by the Yaletown Business Improvement Association.
As a rule I wouldn't go out on a rainy night to take pictures.
But there were photo class assignments I thought I might knock off at the same time so I went.
I didn't get anything remarkable but it was a surprise to see how many people braved the rain.

Mainland St. and Davie St.


Paul in Powell River said...

Maybe not remarkable, but I do like the shot you got.

Wayne said...

Thanks Paul

Taken For Granted said...

This is a fine photo of the light washing the building. The crowd in front makes the picture.

TheChieftess said...

I like it too Wayne! The colors...especially the pop of red and touch of green...the lights...the crowd of people...Nicely done!!!