Friday, 17 February 2012

Hard Journalism ...

The Attessas
… or rather, journalism is hard.
Trying to research what Dennis Washington spends his money on wears me out.
These are two of his yachts. The near one is Attessa I, II, or III. I've lost count.
Attessa IV is beyond.
He has at least one more yacht.
Thanks Paul


s.c said...

Who is the guy using this boats? As investment? Or as an admiral who likes to sail in line of battle? By the way proving not to be a robot is a real nuisance.

Paul in Powell River said...

The near one - Attessa - is numero III. And you're welcome.

TheChieftess said...

Amazing!!! Quite a contrast from yesterday's post...

Wayne said...

Now that you mention it Kathy …

I'm not actually smart enough to plan things like that. :-)

TheChieftess said...

And I thought you were making quite the social statement!!!

Stefan Jansson said...

The guy need a new hobby!

Gunn said...

I will let you know if I see one of them in Stavanger, or here about him visiting the fjords..... )
(Life is soooo different! )