Saturday, 5 March 2011

Under The Dome

As I've indicated before, I don't like the look of the Price Waterhouse building.
The day of this shot I learned that 'boarders and other cool dudes think the acoustics are 'sick'.

W. Hastings St. @ Seymour St.

!! New Camera !!

The pictures won't be any better but they'll have millions more pixels.
It's hard to say how long it will take before I post an image from the new camera. I haven't figured out how to open the box yet.


Regina K said...

Like your posts today, brought chuckles.

CaT said...

hahahahaha. i think you are always so funny!
i often forget to take off the lens cap and then wonder why everything is black...
enjoy the new camera, are you planning to read the manual?

Wayne said...

Read the manual?? That's a good one CaT. :-)

Virginia said...

Oh there's a manual in those boxes? Who knew! I'm expecting wonderful things and soon, W. Get crackalacking!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Did it come with a spoon so you can be spoon-fed the instructions? hehehe -- thanks for stopping by my blog, Wayne -- come again!

Have a great weekend!

TheChieftess said...

They need to translate the camera manuals into English...I don't know what language they're in...but I can never understand a word of them!!!

Have fun with your new toy've got a good one!!!

CaT said...

:) its because i have been planning to read the manual of my camera since 6 months. i read the first page; it says; before you take a picture, take off the lens cap... then i stopped!

zakton said...

It's a great feeling to have something new. Have fun. Let us know when pictures uploaded are taken using the new camera, Wayne.

Stefan Jansson said...

A new toy is always fun. You have to promise to try a few new settings!