Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Tymac No. 2 ...

… is due for a refit.
Built in 1938 this boat is very much like the water taxis which ran between Horseshoe Bay and 
Bowen Island when I was a kid. 

Burrard Inlet, off CRAB Park


Virginia said...

I had a rubber tugboat thing when I was a wee one. This reminds me of it. Very cute but could use some work. Can't we all!

-K- said...

Love the color, the reflection, the history, everything.

TheChieftess said...

Spruced up, this could be a fun little boat for twilight tours!!!

Unknown said...


I was just down there last Saturday where I got some HDR photos on the overpass. then I went again on Sunday.

I keep looking out for an old guy with a camera, but no such luck. when are you going to claim your FREE breakfast ?

I can't let you have all the crane pictures

Wet Coast Scootin