Friday, 24 December 2010

4000 Feet Up

The general sentiment among any number of Vancouverites is 'the snow is exactly where it belongs'. On the mountains.
Personally, since I no longer have to shovel it, I don't mind if it snows down here.


Kris McCracken said...

From the (almost) very bottom of the World down here in Tasmania, I wish you a very Merry Christmas/Yule/Jul/Winter Solstice/Summer Solstice/Amaterasu/Brumalia/ Deygān/Dōngzhì/Hanukkah/Hogmanay/Jonkonnu/Korochun/Kolyada/koleda/Wren day/Lenæa/Meán Geimhridh/Lohri/Midvinterblót/Modranicht/Mummer's Day/Rozhanitsa Feast/Şewy Yelda/Soyalangwul/Ziemassvētki/Āshūrā/Ras as-Sana al-Hijreya or whatever festival you choose to celebrate!

If you’re opting out this year, have a great time in the next few weeks and keep up the good work!

Virginia said...

Oh yes you do! I remember very well all the grumbles and mumbles about having to grocery shop in the snow.

Merry Christmas W!

Babzy.B said...

It's snowing here ;) Have a nice Xmas time ! said...

What an amazing view! Great shot and great angle. Happy Holidays!

jennyfreckles said...

Snow on distant mountains is such an uplifting sight. This looks even better enlarged.

TheChieftess said...

The trick, Wayne, is to hire someone to dig out the deck of 6 feet deep snow, and deduct it from your rent!!! We have awesome landlords!!!