Saturday, 6 November 2010

November Sunset



Virginia said...

And I don't know why but the power lines add something to that sky.

RedPat said...

Super! Love it.

TheChieftess said...

Gorgeous color!!!

CaT said...

aliens are coming!!
just curious; was it in real this color as well?
when still in the netherlands i worked in a lab with a gorgeous view, and often i photographed the sunset... and they never ever turned out as i saw it at the very moment. so i put those photos away, and when forgotten how it truly was, i looked at them again and sometimes liked them...

i do like this one! :)

Wayne said...

No CaT, it wasn't quite so orange. I bumped it up.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Wayne, I believed in the tooth fairy until you said that.... I love this photo anyway.


Wayne said...

So much for 'honesty always pays'.

It's time you knew about the tooth fairy anyway Genie.

Once you recover from the shock of it all we'll have a talk about Santa Claus.

CaT said...

dont you worry about santa claus, it is derived from the dutch "sinterklaas", and he exists... only comes a little earlier in november already, and leaves the 6th of dec (prob to goto the other side of the ocean as santa claus)