Monday 11 October 2010

Speeding ...

… past the cemetery.

7 comments : said...

What a great and ambiguous shot...

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

... and an ambiguous thought. How long did you have to wait for a yellow car? It had to be a bright primary color -- love it!

Virginia said...

Cool motion shot. How did you do dat?

Bob Crowe said...

Nice design. There's something about a blurred car racing through a rural area that reminds me of a movie - Miss Congeniality? David Byrne's Stop Making Sense? I'll have to work on that.

Jean Spitzer said...

Which came first, the title or the photo?

Wayne said...

The photo came first Jean but it get's a reprise tomorrow.

Slow shutter V.

Genie, I've got several shots of grey cars, delivery trucks and buses. This was more luck than good management since I couldn't see the cars coming. I actually got two yellow cars in the 5 or 10 minutes I was there.

The funny thing is that there is a very colourful car coming up in a future blog. That car went by here while I was there but I wasn't ready with the camera.

I don't think I saw 'Stop Making Sense' Bob, but I've heard it mentioned many times.

я не мэгги! said...
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