Wednesday, 20 October 2010

The North Face

The World Tower aka The Sun Tower seen from a different angle.

I threw in the crane as a bonus, no extra charge.


Anonymous said...

Wayne, interesting tower... but, I have only been off-line for less than a week and you have gone back to cranes (not the flying type) -- haha

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Wayne, that "anonymous" was me. I did not mean to make that an incognito comment!

Virginia said...

I should have seen it coming. Yesterday a big ole truck, today........a crane. I like the dome on that building. What's that down the side? Fire escape??

Wayne said...

Even without your name the comment had 'Genie' written all over it.

Jean Spitzer said...

The fire escapes on the outside of the tower. I don't remember seeing anything quite like this on a tall tower.

TheChieftess said...

Those gosh darn cranes...popping up all over the place!!!