Saturday, 2 October 2010

Hose Down

The cement plant on Granville Island


Virginia said...

OH goody. We haven't had a good ole cement plant here in a long time.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Sbbbttt -- I was thinking that you are almost getting back to the "crane thing" but these are interesting. Before I read the caption I thought that these were giant columns on an old, massive building. Interesting, very interesting.

Bon weekend, Wayne!

CaT said...

oooh, i like this picture very much!!

boromax said...

Cool. The orange jump suit draws the eye, but the grand vertical shafts beckon the eye back to their commanding lines. Great shot!

Anonymous said...

I had to see what Virg would say. And she didn't disappoint.

Wayne said...

Yeah, the shot would have benefited from a kitten in their somewhere.

Thanks for the positive comments. I'm rarely really pleased with my shots but I like this one a lot.

TheChieftess said...

A very masculine shot Wayne!!! No kitties allowed!!!

TheChieftess said... the new banner photo!!!

wv: gomister!!!

RedPat said...

Love how you can see the trees through the holes in the silos/towers. Nice shot.

Virginia said...

Oh you love all the industrial stuff you shoot and we all know it.