Saturday, 9 October 2010

Green, Green Grass Of Home

I know Tony Orlando is still around but I don't hear much from Dawn lately.

After the second wettest September on record everything has greened up nicely, including the cemetery.


Virginia said...

"Knock Three Times" .....

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Wayne, you are quite drole but I love that photo anyway! Very nice setting and colors.

Anonymous said...

You're not drole, you're honest. I really, really like this shot.

Kim said...

I always thought that was Tom Jones who made that a hit. :-). Gorgeous photo. I won't be there (home) for awhile, I hope ;^).

Wayne said...

I'm surprised no one called me on this before now Kim. I had a sinking feeling while I was out and about shortly after posting this that I had my songs mixed up. Then I forgot about it.

The best explanation is that I had confused my maudlin songs from the the late 60s/early 70s. It was Tom Jones, the Tony Orlando hit I had mixed it up with was Tie A Yellow Ribbon …

The moral of this story is 'never believe anything you read on Meandering In Lotus Land'