Tuesday 26 October 2010


1956 Nash Ambassador

Shut-ins with time on their hands might enjoy watching the witty (by 1957 standards) Ambassador promotional ad.

The biggest selling points seem to be the fully reclining seats and the capacious trunk.


Gunn said...

Wow, I love the color and the way you have photographed this car. Beautiful!!:)

Stefan Jansson said...

That was a very cool car.

Virginia said...

That was hilarious. I'm thinking Charlie and Charlie might have been up so some funny business !!!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to see who the shut-ins were.

RedPat said...

Great car - I guess there is no salt on the roads out there so you must have a lot of old cars in good shape. Loved the film too.

Unknown said...

Beautiful oldie.

lewi14@gmail.com said...

Wow! What a car! What an eye-catcher!