Friday, 23 July 2010

Theme Day

Can I have show of hands?

Who's up for Friday Freighter Fotos?

Just kidding.


Virginia said...

ARRGGGGGGHHHHHH, another fetish rears its ugly head. How about CUTE HUNKY FIREMEN FRIDAY?? Just kidding.

jennyfreckles said...

Haven't noticed many freighters round these parts - but go ahead! Me, I'll join with V and the hunky firemen.

Pam Lane said...

It'd give me an excuse to hang around the docks down in Long Beach. :-)

Chuck Pefley said...

Ooh, that V has quite an imagination, eh? I think Crane Friday might have possibilities, don't you?

Wayne said...

Absolutely Chuck. I've already got a year's supply. :-)

TheChieftess said...

somehow...I just don't think hunky firemen friday is ever going to make it on Wayne's blog...
just sayin'...

Wayne said...

Dumpy Firemen Friday isn't going to make it on my blog either. It's freighters or nothing, I'm putting my foot down.

TheChieftess said...

Well least it's not crane's!!!

(BTW...I thought of you several times on our trip...yep...cranes!!!) I'll start posting soon!!!