Monday, 17 May 2010


This cleverly designed column replaces the old incense burners (visualize a brick BBQ) in the Chinese section of Mountain View Cemetery.


Unknown said...

Looks beautiful Wayne.. The red frame against the deep blue of the sky..
Have a great week.

Virginia said...

OH now this one rings my bell! I love love love this!

Lynne with an e said...

Mmmm, gorgeous photo. I love that Chinese section of the cemetery. Haven't been there in years. Thanks for the reminder.

TheChieftess said...

Now, who is the artiste who posted this photo??? Surely they've absconded with our Wayne...there's not been a crane sighting in like, two weeks!!!

Love this one Wayne!!! Your artist's eye is right on!!!

Wayne said...

Did someone request more crane photos???

I knew you'd miss them Kathryn.

Fear not! I'm going right out and find some to photograph.

jennyfreckles said...

I really like this - the colours are so cheerful

Virginia said...

OH NON! Stop it. No cranes. More of these gorgeous Chinese thingys with the blue sky, PLEASE. I think i need to buy a print of this one W.

Hilda said...

I can only imagine the brick ones, but I'm sure these are much lovelier!

Babzy.B said...

beautiful design and colours!

Kim said...

Blue skies met the little red haired girl! This is beautiful!
I vote for hoisting a few of these on a crane and placing them high up on rooftop piazzas/gardens. Lovely way to celebrate the ancestors.

Chuck Pefley said...

What a cool graphic image, Wayne.