Sulphur is a by-product of natural gas production. It's shipped from wherever natural gas is made to the port and loaded on boats and sent ...... somewhere else.
These small mountains of sulphur never seem to change much in size which leads one to surmise that the stuff goes out as fast as it comes in.
In case it crossed anyone's mind, no this sulphur doesn't smell like rotten eggs.
Just like e-waste, it probably ends up in India. On a side note, I can't believe people actually think they're being environmentally friendly by taking their old computers to some "recycling" center. The computers don't disappear, they just get shipped elsewhere.
Hey Hiker,
My friends down here in podunk actually do recycle electronics. They break them down and send parts/wire/ plastic etc. all over the USA to be reused. They also send old cell phones to Colorado where they are refurbed to be given to women on the streets to call 911 and cartridges are sent to Cartridges for Kids. I have helped them from time to time remove cords from phones ( a very high skill level is required) so that they can be sold for the metal content. The phones are ground up and the plastic/metals all separted for different uses.
BTW, they are the only company in Alabama to do this. You wouldn't believe their warehouse. You also wouldn't believe the "new" stuff they get from companies that's never been used.
PS Smashing the hard drives is the most fun!
And W,
This is a thinly veiled attempt to sneak in a freighter.
When I do a post on this place shortly, you all will need to act surprised ! :)
The sulphur has some uses, fertilizer for one I think. I've read up on it but as usual most of that info has vaporized already.
There was more than one e-waste scandal here. The stuff was collected by companies claiming to be green. In fact the it was loaded into containers and sent to places like China where it was reduced to it's precious metals by the most archaic and toxic means imaginable. Good on B'ham for doing it right. I guess B'ham is a logical location, there aren't too many places with 'skilled' labour that works for nothing :-)
Good for B'ham. I suppose my info came from an evening watching 60 Minutes. They showed a mountain of computers and little children from India scrambling to dissect the waste. When the program was over I figured I knew it all.
I am so skilled at removing the telephone cords, that I've promoted myself to Vice President of Communications, thank you very much!!! Photos are coming on my blog soon!
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