Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Under Construction

Olympic venues around town are hubs of construction activity. This is the north side of False Creek where the Quebec and Saskatchewan Pavilions are located.

Talking shop

This video of Vancouver is getting wide exposure on the interweb. The film makes our backward little burg by the ocean look downright magical.

If new age music isn't your thing I recommend watching with the sound off.


Anonymous said...

The photographs are great... thanks for the music warning on the vid!

Virginia said...

Well I like new age music, in fact I think I'll watch that little movie and crank UP the sound. :)

Chuck Pefley said...

I saw that video a few days ago and was blown away by it.

Oh yea, I like New Age Music, too. Not to mention Bach, Wagner, Stravinsky, Verdi .... but the list is too long ... although I'll include Peter Paul and Mary along with the Beetles and Yanni. Scott Joplin wrote some great stuff, too -:)