Monday, 1 February 2010

Playing In The Snow

I'm taking a slight deviation (there's probably a better word) from coverage of the lead up to Vancouver 2010.

On Saturday a small, and possibly mentally defective, contingent of The Carnival Band drove up Mt. Seymour.

The purpose of the outing was to help one of our members promote his sailing club to skiers who'll need another way to amuse themselves once the snow is gone.

Marc in his foul-weather gear.

It wasn't snowing. If the scene looks wet and cold, it was.


Chuck Pefley said...

Detours are always interesting .... can't say I would enjoy playing in the snow, though. Hope you folks had fun!

Virginia said...

Mentally defective......a possibility in that weather!
Nice shots.

Kim said...

They do not pay you enough to do this! You have proved your dedication. If they get paid for gigs, you need to start getting a fair cut!!!!
Wonderful, fun shots!