It's not an Olympics related theme. Most of the Olympic action is downtown and I'm disinclined to go down there if I don't have to.
Here's a post I prepared a while back. My guess is that the totems are getting a much higher tourist count with so many visitors in town.

The totems in Stanley Park are a huge tourist draw. In summer they come here by the busloads (they have their own parking lot)
For decades I've avoided going anywhere near them. But on a January morning, somewhat desperate for more photos, I ambled over.
Although I'm sure it was a fluke, even on that day there was a major video production taking place with what I'm guessing was one of the carvers.
They sure look fab... but hey, I'm a tourist ;)
I love the way you shot these two. Very colorful. I'm not sure I realized they were. The one I sent you from our museum is just natural wood. I hope it's not bogus!!
I saw these as a kid, I think. My dad carved totem poles, but on a much smaller scale, of course.
I remember seeing totem poles when I was a tiny kid...(which for me was practically out of the womb)...I remember looking up, up, and up...I was awestruck!!!
Love the closeup...
Been there recently ... I was surprised by the changes to the landscaping around the totems.
You honestly couldn't prove it by me Chuck. I was probably a kid the last time I was near these. The souvenir stand is newish although it's probably been there 10 years. Most likely the parking lot is larger as well.
V. Most are painted but there is one in this group that is bare wood.
Thanks for the comments. I'm running out of 'Olympic Spirit' and may have to abandon the Games theme before the circus leaves town.
Buck up W. Think of the Olympics as a big, very big photo op. When the circus folds its tent you'll be back to cranes cranes and cranes. Oh sigh, that's a depressing thought.
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