Monday, 8 February 2010

Poverty Olympics 2010

Lots of media focused their lenses on the 3rd Annual Poverty Olympics on Sunday. Last year's posts are here and here.

There was a p****e (we don't use the 'p' word anymore) but it was only a few blocks. Barely tied up traffic at all.

Not all the attention was on the Carnival Band by any means. But these photogs are all aiming at the band

James and Travis

Ski googles and hockey helmets were the order of the day for many members


Chuck Pefley said...

I do believe I caught a glimpse of your musical group on our King 5 news last evening. Looks like a fun event for a good cause!

Wayne said...

That's cool Chuck. There are lots of international TV crews in town so it wouldn't surprise me if KING 5 or an NBC crew were there.

Stay tuned as they say, on Friday we'll be at a protest that coincides with the opening ceremonies. The band may or may not be on TV but the protest will be.

Virginia said...

Oh GOODY, I can hardly wait for the Opening Ceremonies!! USA! USA! USA! And I really love the PARADE of the athletes! teehee

PS W, I hope you've gotten your tickets for the finals of the men's figure skating. I know you were worried they'd sell out before you could get yours.