Friday 19 February 2010

Colbert Nation

Vancouver loves Stephen Colbert. Who knew?

Large crowds turned out Wednesday and Thursday morning for the taping of the Colbert Report.

A few years ago I watched the show quite often (only because it came on after the Daily Show). But I don't get that channel any more.

I didn't stay around to watch the show but I did see Colbert when his car (a black Honda) drove away from the stage.


Virginia said...

Gosh W, can I have your autograph? Did you get to touch his car? Don't wash you hand if you did!!! :)

Unknown said...


all this commotion for someone I don't even know. Who is Colbert anyway ?

I am not a supporter of the Olympics so thank you for the photos of all the crowds. I can't wait for things to return to normal so I can venture downtown again. All I see is "Dollar" signs with WINGS fluttering away . . .

bobskoot: wet coast scootin

Wayne said...

Hi Bob,

I'm not a supporter of the Olympics either. Soon enough it will all be over but the crying.

Stephen Colbert has a popular daily comedy show called the Colbert Report. He plays, very effectively, a very right wing political commentator and he gets lots of high profile people to come on his shows.