Bare limbs. Oh I see, my smutty mind and all that. It's terrific, lone stark, in yer face. Cool image. Wonder how many nutters stopped by for bare limbs, probably the same ones who went for my painted lady. Don't get excited, not the proverbial lady of the night but a butterfly.
I think I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree.
-Joyce Kilmer
Ahh, I remember that tree standing in the snow. It was one of my favorite of your "snow series". I think you'll like it even more when it leafs out.
Oh! Are there no signs of Spring in Van yet?
Beautiful shot Wayne, with the blue sky and vapor trail.
I always wonder how kids feel about living next to a graveyard. Scared? Thrilled? I know I would have heard things bumping around in the night.
Bare limbs. Oh I see, my smutty mind and all that. It's terrific, lone stark, in yer face. Cool image. Wonder how many nutters stopped by for bare limbs, probably the same ones who went for my painted lady. Don't get excited, not the proverbial lady of the night but a butterfly.
Lovely symmetry to this huge old tree. I see why you like it -:)
Glad you took a moment and stopped in for a chat while visiting the Pike Place Market yesterday. Nice to meet another CDP face in person -:)
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