Saturday is Public Art Day at VDP.
This is on the public art registry. Not knocking something down and then painting it yellow doesn't make it art in my book. Oddly, I'm rarely asked my opinion on such matters. In any event, I don't make the rules I just post the photos.
I'm glad it's still here all the same.
You sound like me! I am never asked my opinion which is why I shout about it on my blog. Not mellow yellow about this structure you? I agree with you totally on this, even though the image is a corker.
Wow! That sculptor really made that look JUST LIKE AN OLD CRANE!
I don't get it.
But I adore this shot with all those angles.
An interesting object it may be, but I have to agree with you - not really art.
Seriously? This crane is listed as public art? hmmm ... the waterfront is full of these though they are humdrum orange. Amazing!
Hmmm. Well, I think it's the first yellow one I've ever seen. (That doesn't make it art, though.)
And I DON"T get it but what's new??? I love the yellow ochre of that great old crane but HELLO Vancouver. That ain't art in my book. Just a great old crane. Guess that's all it has to be, huh? I will say I saw some "art" I held in more contempt in Paris.
Ok, wait. Somewhere in that tangle there is a little cab where a man gets to sit on top of the world and direct, I don't know, stuff and things. That's where I want to sit.
But Wayne, do you like it as a crane? Probably labeling it as art keeps it from being demolished?
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