Thursday, 15 January 2009


I've seen a few fog shots lately. I'm behind the curve as usual.

This fog, I'm going to say it's caused by a temperature inversion (what do I know?), is peculiar. I've noticed the fog more at the higher points of the city rather than the low areas.

This is the original colour image but, of course, it looks almost identical when switched to B/W.


Stefan Jansson said...

Fog and winter is a good combination.

Marcel said...

Great picture, I love the atmosphere it breaths!

Bettey said...

Love the fog!! Great shot!

Anonymous said...

Wayne, that is an absolutely gorgeous photo! Just stunning!

Anonymous said...

Great atmospheric shot. So typical of this time of year.

PinkPanthress said...

I do love Fog, always have! :) Awesome capture!

Bob Crowe said...

There are subtle differences between color and B&W under these circumstances. I like the bare presence of color. It makes for a richer image. The photo on my Thursday post in Gateway is like that.

Virginia said...

Fog is your friend and he did you right on this one. IT's GORGEOUS!!!!!

Kris McCracken said...

It looks a great day for a walk!

Babzy.B said...

Good photo ,i like misty atmosphere !

Laurie Allee said...

This shot is truly amazing, Wayne.

BTW -- it was 84 degrees today. My daughter was playing barefooted, spraying with the garden hose. Not to make you feel bad or anything. :-)

But back to your shot... I think this might be my new favorite. So many great snow images and this one is so moody and evocative. I love it.

Lois said...

Great photo! It looks almost surreal.

Wayne said...

Thank you all very much for the encouraging comments.

Debbie Courson Smith said...

You got it right, and fog steals all color. That's why it can be quickly depressing.

abc said...

It's a very nice composition indeed with the fog adding to the atmosphere.