Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Bumbershoots #3

I wish I could have managed a better shot of this great looking umbrella. The best I could do was out the window of the bus.

Don't worry, that's the end of bumbershoot shots for now. 


Sharon said...

I like this. It has an impressionist look to it.

Anonymous said...

No, that shot is perfect! We know it's an umbrella and we get the happy colour and certainly get the feel and mood of the rainy day - I love this shot.

Wayne said...

Thanks Rob

Wayne said...

Thanks Sharon

brattcat said...

I agree, that shot is splendid. I'm reading a memoir with a similar photo on the cover. It's part of what drew me to the book.

Debbie Courson Smith said...

Shucks - that's the end? Bring us more, it was a great idea for a mini series.

Virginia said...

I love it too. More to come of course?????

Chuck Pefley said...

Ooh! This is very nice! And you got to stay dry. A bonus!!

Jane Hards Photography said...

This is what we call atmospehric realism. Or if you prefer photographer's Bulls***. Try it in black and white and you've nailed the genre.

Ken said...

I like it.

Lori said...

I think that's a great shot! The bright yellow really stands out in the misty grayness and the drops on the window enhance the picture too. I love the mood it captures!

Guy D said...

I love this perspective, great shot.

Regina In Pictures