Tuesday, 27 January 2009


If it weren't for creative shopkeepers, like those at the balloon shop on Burrard near Broadway, it would be more difficult to find subjects on VDP.


magiceye said...

lovely captures too!

EG CameraGirl said...

Very colourful!

Hilda said...

I'm still getting used to the idea of seeing a colorful photo in your blog! :D

Debbie Courson Smith said...

I love to see that creativity. Too often, businesses just set flimsy, ugly signs on the sidewalke to try to lure people in. This shot shows how to be more effective.

Laurie Allee said...

I'm still a sucker for balloons. Wheeeee! Yippee!!! (claps!)

My little girl would love these, too.

Lori said...

How cute! What a cheerful and colorful photo. The kids must love that shop.

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic display!

Hope said...

Wow! Not only would my kids like to explore this shop....but so would I! I love balloons! :)

PinkPanthress said...

Very sweet and crafty of them! :D

Jane Hards Photography said...

We have no creative shopkeepers, or shops come to that. This is dazzling but don't you just wnat to pop them all.

Anonymous said...

Fun. Do they really make a living from selling balloons?

I guess it's like the cupcakes shop!