Monday, 29 December 2008

Q.E. Park

On Friday I trudged through Queen Elizabeth Park just for the fun of it. I had the place pretty much to myself oddly enough. 

I did some off-roading


Virginia said...

Well you didn't show me this one. Wow! that bridge is pretty fab with or without snow.

Christina Klas said...

what a great shot of the bridge - i imagine especially striking in black and white!

Laurie Allee said...

Wayne, I hate to force you into the cold but you really are the master of these snow scenes. This is wonderful! I love it in black and white. Now, have your fingers thawed out yet? (And what am looking at in that second shot?)

Marcel said...

Great winter scenes! I am envious at so much snow.

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Haha, I love your blog description, "marginally interesting." You're funny. Lovely photos in the snow! -Allie

Babzy.B said...

this black and white shot is very nice i 'd like to have a walk there ;)

Wayne said...

Laurie, I thought that second shot might be too odd. It's a picture of my leg in snow almost up to my knees. My fingers are fine.

V. You're too impatient.

Thanks for your comments. FYI it's not very pretty here at the moment, just wet and slushy.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just can't get over how much snow Vancouver got! Great shot.

Copenhagen said...

Beautiful sight! I miss snow.

Virginia said...

Since when did you worry about something being "too odd"? ME impatient??? How?? why??? What???? Tell me now!!!

Hilda said...

Eek. That snow is deep! But thank you for trudging through it — the photo of the bridge is just wondrous!

abc said...

Enjoy the snow as long as it's there...

Anonymous said...

I love this shot - it looks fantastic in B&W. You could sell that one as a postcard.