Sunday, 28 December 2008

Any One For Tennis?

I was going to use the title 'Any Two For Elevennis?' as a reference to Victor Borge's Inflationary Language routine. But I reckon lots of folks wouldn't know what I was on about. In his routine he reads a goofey story of tragic romance where he adds one to any word that is or sounds like a number. As in, 'she had three of the saddest eyes he had ever seen.....'

No attempt at a picture postcard shot today, just the cold hard facts. The temperatures have turned milder and the snow is melting. 


Copenhagen said...

That's a lot of snow...

Shutterup-Shutterbug said...

Wow!! Guess you really do need indoor tennis courts! It's so beautiful, though as long as you can stay inside with a hot toddy!

Debbie Courson Smith said...

It's the real world for us to see.

Virginia said...

That snowfall is still pretty good to me, but what do I know about snow? Like the indoor tennis sign!

abc said...

I think there's a bit three much snow for tennis...

Anonymous said...

Oh the great Victor Borge - loved his punctuation!

Nice pic too! Is it melting yet?

Jill said...

There was a piece on the news tonight about the melting snow causing a little flooding in downtown. Hope not too bad.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Real is fine by me. Now can we please have some of your snow. I might be the only dailyv thank is yearning for the white stuff.