Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Dinner Is Served

Food is surprisingly good in the dining car

The kitchen

Farm in western Ontario


USelaine said...

I love all these train interiors! What a great idea for travel.

Babzy.B said...

the dining car is nice ,like your train trip reportage !

Virginia said...

I loved the dining car when I was a little girl. Something special then too!

Hope said...

What a wonderful experience to be able to eat in a dining car on a train! Thanks for the photos!

Laurie Allee said...

Wow, just like the old days! I was lucky enough to take the old Amtrak Montrealer back in the early nineties. I still remember that dinner as we wound out of New York at night. Magical. My sleeper car looked like something out of the 1930s on that old train. It was great.

Anonymous said...

Now I really want to do that trip. What a civilised and relaxing way to travel.I think that trip is one of those "must do before you die" things.

Are you training back to Vancouver?

istanbuldailyphoto said...

Restaurants and beautiful clean. The Dishes so you?