Monday, 20 October 2008

Quick Draw McGraw

When you see a bright red Deux Chevaux, (Citrn 2CV), beetling toward you on an empty street you have to get a picture. Or try. 

By the time I got the camera off my belt and turned on I could only manage one shot. He was going at a good clip so all in all the result is acceptable.  


Sharon said...

Great quick draw shot. This photo might as well have been taken in France!

Benjamin Madison said...

What a flash! My brother and I rented one of these about 45 years ago on the Côte d'Azur. OMG I'm so oooold....

Ineke said...

definitely a trip down memory lane :)

Laurie Allee said...

Wayne, are we in synch today or what?

This is a gorgeous shot. I don't think I've ever seen an antique French car and within 24 hours I've seen two!

Lori said...

I think you got a good shot of it! It looks like a cool car and it's a snazzy color. I like the top that flips up! I'm always so slow at getting my camera ready when I need it in a hurry.

Virginia said...

I think you did a great job. Oh and I want that car!! I am envious of all you that have cameras that can be tucked in a pocket or hung on your belt. Mine is like a 10 pound albatross around my neck.

USelaine said...

Fast work indeed! My Canon is so slow to respond, I miss most of these shots. I like your position on the row of purple-leaved trees too.

Jill said...

Très bien Wayne. I have only seen these in photos.

Babzy.B said...

I love deux cheveaux,even in France there are not so many,the red colour is beautiful you can't miss it !I saw one in Iceland and i had the same idea ,quick, my cmera but it was easier the car was parked ;)

Mo said...

Great shot.