Wednesday, 8 October 2008

My Vote

I killed two birds with one stone on Monday. I voted at an advance poll and I got a shot of the new Sunset Community Centre.

Yes, Canada is having a Federal Election. I doubt this is on anyone's radar outside of Canada. I'll be working at a polling place on October 14 so I needed to vote ahead of time. 

Canada has it's share of froot loops and gumballs in office or hoping to be elected. The whole sad mess can be entertaining if one can maintain a sense of humour. But, frankly, in terms of pure entertainment value, we have nothing to compete with Sarah Palin. Not even close. We had a leader's debate the same night and time Palin debated Biden and lots of Canucks chose to watch the US debate or at least surfed back and forth. 

Sunset Community Centre is Vancouver's newest. Designed by Bing Thom, featured here a while back. I'm pleased the city hired such a distinguished architect to design a community centre. Most of our existing community centres are from the '1950s high school' or 'bomb shelter' school of design. I want to like this building, I'm glad it was built, but I'm having some trouble warming up to it. It appears to be getting good use and that's the main thing. 

The Park Board folks really know their lawns. This one is looking pretty splotchy but I reckon they'll get it ship shape by next spring.

Architect: Bing Thom
Completed: 2008


Virginia said...

Well you're right as always. It's just hard to warm up to concrete, steel, glass and angles. You just have to step back and say, " It could have been worse, and it could!" I think this architecture has its place and maybe when those guys get crackalacking on that grass we'll have a warmer fuzzier feeling about it.

And we are glad ot be the source of CONSTANT comedic relief for you folks north of the border.

Laurie Allee said...

That building wants to be the SYdney Opera House when it grows up!

Don't get me started on the election or our whole corporate-bought, two-party process. Palin in the bizarre icing on a giant rotten cake. But I'm glad we can amuse our neighbors!

Tanya Breese said...

The front of that building reminds me of the tv when the satellite signal breaks up and you have little scares of the scene all broken up...know what I mean?!

Tanya Breese said...

Meant "squares" not "scares"!

angela said...

Umm...I know what you mean. It doesn't look very warm and welcoming and probably won't age gracefully but a nice bit of cosmetic landscaping will cure some of the ills..I just hope your parks department budget is up to it.

Bob Crowe said...

I think the building is very cool and, in a way, retro. It has the white-gray-black sleek and polished look of the inside of a diner from the 50s or 60s. Love to see the inside.

Mo said...

Oh so true. Sarah Palin is a comics dream.

Janet Kincaid said...

Hey, if you want Sarah Palin, we'd be happy to send her your way. We have enough levity in politics down here, I think we could share a little of the looniness and be none the poorer.

As for the building, the architecture is interesting, but it could definitely use some landscaping. Some trees might be a nice touch.

bitingmidge said...

I like the building form, it'll be good when they replace all the sheets of ply with glass after the vandals attacked! ;-)

Sunshine Coast Daily - Australia

Benjamin Madison said...

Thanks for covering our election. I've been shooting photos of candidates' signs, feeling that someone should discuss the Canadian election. Now I can trash them without feeling bad.

As for the community center, laurie has nailed it perfectly.

And Laurie, our politicians are probably just as rotten but are definitely more boring.

Debbie Courson Smith said...

I think it's an interesting building, different is good - causes some controversy!

Sally said...

That's pretty cool! Thanks for visiting me at Sydney Daily Photo while I was away. I’m back from Queensland now and transmission should resume as normal. We were lucky to find the Pool resort at a heavily discounted price - not our usual lifestyle!

Unknown said...

I love the building! I think it is a great piece of modern architecture.

Hilda said...

Like strangetastes, I think the building looks more retro than modern. Glad it's well-used.

Copenhagen said...

Me too, I'll be working for the elections.

I wonder if they all pay the same or B.C gets higher salary for people working at the polls.