Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Bowing to Public Pressure

No one has said anything but I know what everybody is thinking. 'What's up with Wayne and why hasn't he posted a pumpkin pic yet?'

Normally, I don't bow to this sort of paranoidal public pressure but I'm making an exception in this case. 

I trust this shot of pumpkin cushions in the window of Plush, a custom cushion shop on Main Street, will quell these imaginary rumblings. 


Jannie Funster said...

Positively peachy, my fellow Leonard Cohen fan in Van.

I must dig up my puking pumpkin pic for a picturesque post someday.

A Jannie

Benjamin Madison said...

OK, fine, that'll do for the pumpkin pic but where's the autumn leaves photos? We'll need a couple of those - a closeup when they're on the tree, a nice maple for Canadian content, perhaps another from Grouse or Seymour looking out over the city and capturing the red/orange blush that spreadidng over the treed residential streets.... C'mon, Wayne, we're waiting. I did a mushroom today but I can't carry the ball all by myself with this FALL thing.

Laurie Allee said...

Well, I'm glad THAT is settled!

It's a very cool pumpkin pic, Wayne.

Virginia said...

I swear I haven't slept a wink in weeks wondering what was up with you. Don't be expecting any fall leaves from me for a while. I have a few brown ones in the yard but so far nuttin honey as far as color. If I might ask, what does one do with a pumpkin pillow? I know you have some on your sofa or somewhere!

PS I knew you'd knuckle under to the CDP peer pressure eventually.:)

Wayne said...

Benjamin, It never occurred to me what a can of worms I would be opening. I'm so dumb it even takes my breath away. You can cover the fungi beat. I'd only photograph one if I thought it resembled Osama Bin Laden or maybe Sarah Palin.

Laurie, You're very patient ('cause you have kids, no doubt) Hopefully we'll regain some semblance of sanity soon.

V. The place is festooned with pumpkin cushions (in season of course). Try to imagine an apartment decorated by a demented Laura Ashley with the help of William Morris off his meds. Then picture the opposite. I'll post a pic of my place on a slow day.

Virginia said...

Don't tell anyone but I had a mometary lapse in judment at Home Depot this morning. I found myself actually photographing potted mums for pete sake! If any of said photos appear on my blog, you will know aliens have taken over my body. This whole fall thing is all your fault. I'm sorry , the peer pressure thing has gotten to me.

Anonymous said...

Wow, how do you read our minds like that Wayne? ;) That's just spooky.

Those are cute cushions1

Ken Mac said...

thanks for your comments on my blog Wayne. This is a funny pic. Plush? Plush pumpkins? !!!

Ken said...

Don't you feel better now.

Chuck Pefley said...

Why would anyone grumble about no pumpkins from you? It's just barely October! I suppose next people will want turkey feathers and snow???

Unknown said...

We don't have that pumpkin thing around here, so I find it very cool and funny too. Your pic is great! Original contribution :-)

angela said...

Whew it's comforting to know Autumn's in good hands...now I can get back to the beach.

Jane Hards Photography said...

These are my knid of pumpkins. Your pumpkins, your way. Plush enough for me.

Lynette said...

Pumpkin pillows--what'll they think of next? Great shot, Wayne. Thanks for enjoying the long load post.