Friday, 17 October 2008


Canada grows wheat and Vancouver ships some of it overseas. There are several grain elevators in the port. This one is on the south side of Burrard Inlet not far from downtown.

I took this shot from the street. One day I'll try to get closer to this one or one of the others.

I doubt I'd be quite as fascinated with grain elevators if it were not for a photo of a Vancouver elevator taken many years ago by John Vanderpant. The photo is titled Tracks but I've been unable to find an image online. This is an example of his style


Lori said...

That really makes for an interesting shot with the containers and the blue and green pipes. I wouldn't have guessed those were used for grain. You find unique things to photograph!

Laurie Allee said...

Wayne, this is such an interesting subject. I can imagine John Vanderpant's version of it. I love YOUR version of it!

Steve Buser said...

I've never really seen a lot of colors on an elevator before. I will be a close up in the area of the green and blue would make a great abstract.

Wayne said...

Steve, I agree. I'd like to try more creative stuff here if I can get closer.

Jill said...

The elevators and angle make an interesting shot. And the way the tracks curve toward them.