Saturday, 6 September 2008


Vancouver Daily Photo (by wayne) has decided to liven things up. From now on Saturdays will be Public Art Day. This is significant for two reasons. Firstly, I had an idea. Secondly, Vancouver now has enough public art to make this feasible. 

Twenty years ago I could have found enough outdoor art for a once weekly blog for, say, oh,..... a couple of months. That's if you don't count totem poles. I could have stretched it out way longer with totem poles.

For my first selection I've chosen Big Bike at the corner of Ontario St. and 37th Ave. This is the intersection of the Ontario and Ridgeway bike routes. 

Vancouver seems to have a pretty good network of bike routes but I don't know that the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition necessarily shares that view. I don't ride a bike these days but thousands of folks in Vancouver do.

The fact that I left my jacket draped over the water fountain could be construed as sloppiness. But I felt it gave the piece a unquantifiable air of verisimilitude which one rarely finds in so much of today's pretentious, psuedo-intellectual tosh. 

And I didn't notice it hanging there. 


Sharon said...

It took me a minute to connect the name 'Big Bike' to this and then it suddenly became obvious. I think the jacket adds just the right touch of realism.

Debbie Courson Smith said...

Where are you off too? I wouldn't have noticed the jacket if you hadn't said so :) That's how much of an "art expert" I am.

Laurie Allee said...

Wayne, I think you and your jacket should do a photo tour of the great museaums of the world!

Looking forward to more of these posts.

Hilda said...

Where are the handlebars? They must be gigantic! :)

And LOL at your jacket! Maybe you should feature it at each of your P.A.D. posts from now on.

Lynette said...

I noticed the jacket and thought it was part of the P.A.D. Thanks for the explanation of its being there--sounds sort of like me back when, explaining things to my high school English students when they caught me in a mistake. Necessity spawns creativity.

I like your idea of P.A.D. on Saturday's. There's a gob of it here in Portland, too. If I could just get more and more of my photos sorted properly, I could join you--someday, maybe.